
This section contains additional pieces of mine that may not warrant full posts on their own, but which I want to collate for reference, or which are useful as ongoing resources beyond their initial publication as blog posts. This also includes appendices on blog posts, as well as various things I have written on ArchBoston over the years.


Mapping the MBTA’s Current Frequent Bus Network

Mapping the MBTA’s Proposed Redesigned Frequent Bus Network

Diagramming Downtown Crossing

Mapping the MBTA’s Financial District platforms and a potential Congress St subway

Mapping New York City’s Super Commuter Rail Network

Skip-Stop Schedule Generator


The Gold Line


Key Components

Getting from Boston University to Longwood to Ruggles

Bay Village

My current proposal for Bay Village is: Tremont, Shawmut Ave, and Tufts Medical Center Stations: a design for a new set of stations and junctions at Bay Village

This proposal builds on previous work, listed below

Brickbottom Junction

Sketches for a half-Aldgate junction at Brickbottom Junction

Brickbottom Junction via East Somerville


An idea to relocate the Silver Line out of the Piers Transitway

The Navy Line: A new BRT line for Boston

Regional Rail

Boston <> Foxboro <> Providence Commuter Rail (and “village hopping”)

High-frequency Regional Rail to Lowell is a no-brainer

Norumbega Junction: Extending the Green Line to the Framingham/Worcester Line

Intercity Rail

Adding New Hampshire to the Northeast Corridor via Worcester

Intercity rail service to North Adams via Springfield

Fare Collection

Project Faregate: An Organizational (and Lightly Electronic) Alternative to MBTA Fare Transformation

Whimsical proposals

Ideas that are “out there” but could maybe still work

A whimsical proposal: Overnight Sleeper Services For Boston

A whimsical proposal for ferries on the Charles River

A whimsical proposal for (moar) ferries to Logan Airport

The Longwood Transitway: Getting to a Reasonable Transit Pitch from a Crazy Transit Pitch

Wheatley, Alcott, and Zipporah: Why we should consider renaming some of our stations

Unserious proposals

“Proposals” that aren’t really proposals

An unserious proposal: the Milford-Medway-Millis-Medfield-Mattapan-Ashmont High-Speed Line (or “MMMMM Line”)

An unserious proposal: Project Blue Lace


Appendix: Mapping Boston’s 1921 Subway-Streetcar Network

Appendix: Mapping the Bus Network Redesign: Somerville’s Buses, Present and Proposed

Appendix: New York City’s Super Commuter Rail Network



Analysis and Map: the MBTA’s Current Frequent Bus Network

Analysis and Map: the MBTA’s Bus Network(s) in Dorchester

Analysis: Super High Frequency Routes in the Bus Network Redesign

Analysis: the 29’s current ridership may underestimate its potential for rapid transit

Analysis: Silver Line ridership patterns, on SL1, SL3, and among downtown transfers

Commuter Rail and Regional Rail

Analysis and Map: Mapping the Commuter Rail’s hidden network (pre-pandemic) (building on previous work here and here)

Analysis: Commuter rail to New Hampshire makes just as much sense as commuter rail to Providence

Radial Light Rail (Green Line & Gold Line)

Analysis: the curious case of the B and C Lines

Analysis: why quad-tracking Government Center would be difficult and unneeded

Analysis: F Line to Nubian isn’t enough: a speed and travel time analysis of different transit modes

Analysis: utilizing existing Central Subway capacity for Green Line service to Needham

Gaming out a dual-model LRT fleet

Assorted thoughts on converting Brattle Loop to stub-end operations

Analysis: stop spacing on an extended Huntington Subway (and ensuing discussion)

System Expansion

Analysis: F Line to Nubian isn’t enough: a speed and travel time analysis of different transit modes

Analysis and map: crayoning greenfield rapid transit to Chelsea and Everett

Analysis: utilizing existing Central Subway capacity for Green Line service to Needham

Gaming out a dual-model LRT fleet

Assorted thoughts on converting Brattle Loop to stub-end operations

Analysis: Layered circumferential services for the Urban Ring Corridor


What if? Imagining an alternate history for the downtown core of the MBTA (and visualizing BERy’s off-set stations pairs)

Analysis of Seaport job locations

Previous work for Bay Village

Alternatives for a future-proofed station and portal for a Green Line branch to Nubian

Proposals for a multi-directional junction at Bay Village to support Green Line service to and between Back Bay & Huntington, Nubian, South Station, and Park Street